Did you know our two store mannequins have names? The left mannequin is named Sabrina, and the right one is named Giovanni.
Gio is sporting a new look these days, and is now bearing a moustache. When he first came to us, he was bare-faced, smooth as the smoothest of babies, but after taping a fallen feather to his upper lip, we’ve been inspired to make the change permanent.
Adam bought a pack of 12 moustaches for him, and we’re debuting October’s Moustache of the Month for Gio here! He’s presently sporting a classic handlebar moustache, which is very appropriate since we are a bike shop.
I’ll be sure to update everyone next month with the new ‘stache! But what do you all think of Gio’s new look? Do we love it? Do we hate it? You can DM us on Instagram with any Strong Feelings!
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